Next Steps Idaho
Next Steps Idaho is a homegrown, statewide initiative designed to support and guide Idahoans at different stages of life as they seek education, training, career change or advancement, and that “dream job.”
Discover What’s Possible
Sponsored by the Idaho State Board of Education, in partnership with Idaho’s employers and the state’s Workforce Development Council, this comprehensive clearinghouse of resources and tools pertaining to education, training, and career exploration and development intends to demystify the process of planning for your future, breaking it down into actionable steps. Whether you’re headed to college, pursuing an apprenticeship or technical training, wanting to advance or completely reboot your career, or are simply trying to figure it all out, Next Steps Idaho can help—every step of the way.
Adults in the workforce or returning to the workforce can find numerous resources about training, upskilling, going back to college and more. Students and families can find grade-by-grade timelines and checklists to help them keep track of everything they need to do and think about as they prepare for life after high school. If you’re going back to school or headed to college for the first time, browse the Idaho Colleges Directory, Idaho Scholarship Listing, and the College Cost Estimator.
No matter your age, if you’re trying to figure out what you truly want to (or should) be “when you grow up,” Next Steps offers numerous fun and revealing self-assessment and planning tools that help you get clear about your interests, strengths, and workplace preferences—as well as the jobs and careers that might truly tap into those personal qualities.
- The Interest Profiler can help you discover what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work and specific careers.
- The Work Values Inventory comes at the career question from the standpoint of what values you cherish most and how those values can find expression in the work you do.
- Plan Smart can help you figure out how much money you need to make to support the lifestyle you desire
- Future Finder can then help identify careers that meet those salary requirements, as well as show you careers that map to your interests and strengths.
The entire site and all of its self-discovery tools are 100% free and open to the public—no logins, passwords, or email addresses required. Additionally, some resources are offered in Spanish.
There’s much to explore here and much to discover about yourself. All Idahoans have unique contributions to make through the work they choose to do and the talents they develop, hone, and make available to the world. It’s here that one can find information, inspiration, and a solid plan on the path to education, training, and a personally fulfilling and thriving career.