Direct Admissions

The Direct Admissions initiative proactively admits all Idaho public high school seniors to a minimum of 6 in-state colleges and universities each year.

New for 2023


Idaho Colleges want you.

Board Policy IIIQ – Direct Admissions

In 2015, Idaho’s Public College Presidents and State Board members embarked on a first-of-its-kind admissions policy – admitting ALL Idaho high-school graduates. They wanted every high school senior to know they were college material and to remove all the stress from the admissions process.

As a result, Board Policy IIIQ – Direct Admissions was established. According to the policy, a Board-approved benchmark determines a student’s admission eligibility. (See ID SBOE policy 3Q.)

Each fall, ALL in-state high school seniors are notified of their proactive acceptance and encouraged to research the academic and technical programs offered at Idaho community colleges and universities.

Interested students MUST complete an admission application to the institution(s) of their choice by June 30.  Applications are free when students use Apply Idaho.

With Direct Admissions, colleges have chosen you, with Idaho Campus choice it’s your turn to choose them.

How to Choose?
  1. Talk with trusted adults about the schools you feel are the best fit for you. Learn how to Find the Right College for you and explore the schools included in your letter.
  2. Share your letter with your career counselor and ask them to help you identify at least one safety school, one reach school, and one match school.
  3. When you are ready to make a decision submit your application(s) via Apply Idaho, Idaho’s FREE common college application. If you have a GPA between 2.6 and 2.8, additional details may be required for final admission.